Hi, I'm Andani, a futurist and thought leader from South Africa.

My interest are Special Education, Entrepreneurship and Artificial Intelligence.

A life of service.

I am passionate about youth and community development, moral regeneration and encouraging self-aided agency among young people.

The quotation “Don’t wish it was easier, wish you were better. Don't wish for less problems, wish for more skills. Don’t wish for less challenges, wish for more wisdom” By Jim Rohn, is reflective of my approach to life.

I am a firm believer that entrepreneurship is the single catalytic agent to transform society and people’s lives; hence from time to time I undertake social entrepreneurship initiatives and mentor aspiring entrepreneurs.

What I have done.

Uct consulting club case compition presentation: Focus Topic: Part 1: Segmenting the childwalfare landscape and Identifying key indicators. Part 2: Developing an Intervention strategy and operational plan for proposed Intervention

Child Welfare Case Competition presentation at the UCT Consulting Club

Winning coach for the South African Junior Chess Championships

Doing charity work and giving donations at a place of shelter and orphanage.


Workshop Facilitation as the organizer and chairperson of the Wits Students Business Society

Developing Educational Technology Solutions at a hackathon

Submission of a SmartSchool App at the HackJozi challenge which had a 1 million cash prize from the city of Johannesburg

Get in touch at khomolaandanig@gmail.com

Lets talk on 0817658275